Photo of a black and tan sausage dog

Ollie the sausage dog volunteers for visits

Inge is one of the newest volunteers in Advocare WA’s Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS). The bonus in this scenario is four-month-old Ollie, Inge’s wonderful little puppy who’s full of life and love for everyone.

Published: 12 July 2024
  • wa
  • 12 July 2024
  • Advocare

Not surprisingly, aged care resident Therese is a big fan after just a few months of visiting by the ACCVS duo.

Says Inge, “I can see that she is smiling and laughing more now compared to when I first met her – especially now I’m bringing my puppy to visit. I think she enjoys Ollie’s company and looks forward to our visits.

When I say, ‘See you next week’, she will say ‘Yes, next Tuesday’ and follow with the question ‘You’re bringing Ollie with you, right?’