Australia’s Residential Aged Care Services have come under increased scrutiny due to high profile reports of resident mistreatment, typically physical abuse or neglect.
The number of alleged, or suspected, unlawful sexual contacts reported to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission continues to rise.
Older people and especially those with dementia living in residential aged care are a particularly vulnerable population for sexual assault. This is due to multiple physical, psychological, cognitive and health related issues as well as co-housing of residents.
This workshop explores what can be done to prevent and manage unwanted sexual behaviour in RACS. We examine the prevailing negative sexual stereotypes of older people, their greater dependency on others, and the challenges facing staff in reporting, detecting, and preventing incidents.
Presented by the Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC) at La Trobe University, this interactive workshop is facilitated by Professor Joseph Ibrahim with other experts and experienced leaders in the field of aged care practice and research.
It is designed for aged care managers and nursing staff.
An digital workshop information pack is included in the registration fee as is catering for the day.
ENQUIRIES Daisy Smith by email