Close up of senior woman sitting on a bed

Elizabetta signed over her house to her son

Elizabetta was determined to stay living in her own home until she died. Her son encouraged her to sign over the title of the home.

Last updated: 12 July 2024

Elizabetta was determined to stay living in her own home until she died. Her son, Kalevi, encouraged her to sign over the title of the home to him as it would be beneficial to his standing with the bank and said she could live there for the rest of her life. Elizabetta was happy to support her son and decided that because he will inherit the house one day, this posed no problem.

She informed Centrelink, who confirmed she had a granny flat interest in the home, so it did not affect her age pension.

When Kalevi’s business collapsed, the bank informed him he needed to sell Elizabetta’s home to service his debts. Elizabetta was forced to leave her home, the neighbourhood she had lived in for 60 years, and her beautiful garden and move into Kalevi’s spare room on the other side of the city.