Photo of man holding credit card staring at computer

New research on financial capability in ageing and dementia

Being able to handle money and manage your own personal finances is important for living independently.

Published: 10 May 2024
  • sa
  • 10 May 2024
  • Flinders University

As we get older, changes in cognition may make it more difficult to manage everyday financial tasks, such as remembering to pay bills, budgeting, and avoiding financial scams.

It may also make us more vulnerable to financial abuse.

These cognitive changes and difficulties with everyday financial tasks are usually normal. But in some cases, they can be an early sign of cognitive impairment or dementia.

Led by Dr Stephanie Wong, this new project aims to improve the way we identify and assess changes in financial capability in older adults and people with dementia, so that the appropriate supports can be put in place. It’s supported by the Dementia Australia Research Foundation and Ecstra Foundation.