Vodaphone, Telstra, and Optus have announced they will cease their 3G services.
Vodaphone’s 3G service ended in December 2023. Telstra 3G services will cease by 30 June 2024 and Optus’s 3G services will no longer be available from September 2024.
Older Australians using medical-alert bracelets, regional and remote residents, some EFTPOS and farm machinery, and older phones may be impacted, as they still use the 3g network.
It is important to review whether your devices will be impacted and if they need to be replaced.
If you are unsure whether this network closure will affect you, please feel free to contact the Seniors Enquiry Line on 1300 135 500 or contact your telecommunication provider directly.
For more information on Vodafone visit: vodafone.com.au/support/network/3gclosure?accordion-id=what-devices-areaffected-by-the-3g-closure%3F
For more information on Telstra visit: telstra.com.au/businessenterprise/support/3g-service-closure
For more information on Optus visit: optus.com.au/support/mobiles-tabletswearables/important-changes-3g