Older people have the right to live in safety, to be treated with dignity and respect,and to make their own decisions. Some older people are denied their rights through elder abuse, sometimes by those who are closest to them. As support workers, we can help promote an older person’s safety and wellbeing. It is important that we do so in ways that respects the rights of older people.
Elder abuse is any mistreatment of an older person. Often the older person has a relationship of trust with the abuser. The abuser can be a family member or carer but it could be a friend or neighbour whom the older person depends on for care and support. The abuse can be financial, emotional, physical, sexual, psychological or include other forms of threatening and coercive behaviour. Elder abuse can also involve social isolation and neglect. More than one type of abuse may be occurring at the same time. Some forms of elder abuse may constitute criminal offences, such as theft, fraud or assault.