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New “Ageing with Pride” program announced

Ageing with Pride is a 4-year project which aims to develop new approaches to community engagement and how to best maintain connection for older LGBTIQA+ people.

Published: 16 May 2024
  • vic
  • 16 May 2024
  • Switchboard Victoria

Switchboard Victoria has just announced this new program, which is funded by the Victorian Government.

The goals are to:

  • reduce social isolation for older LGBTI+ people

  • tackle ageism

  • build long-term improvement and change for older LGBTI+ people

Working with partners, community members, and local organisations, Pride in Ageing will centre the experience and needs of older LGBTI+ people to design and help build our own solutions. We want to pilot meaningful, place-based solutions that are peer-designed, culturally safe, and locally relevant.

Individuals and/or organisations can register interest to be part of this project.