Legal & financial
Here you will find a range of information and resources on this topic. To find more click through to the relevant section.
Useful Resources in topic "Legal & financial"
First Nations Foundation Impact Report 2023
This major report documents the impact of a large scale financial literacy and education programme implemented in First...
Steps to financial safety in 8 community languages
The Centre for Women’s Economic Safety produces resources for victim-survivors of economic abuse to support their econo...
Wealth For Purpose
User-friendly resources targeting Indigenous women to deepen their understanding about finances and help create wealth ...
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Financial Counselling
This webpage outlines the free legal and financial services and supports offered to First Nations people in South Austr...
An elder abuse perspective on “Strong Foundations”: Building on Victoria’s Work to End Family Violence
This 2024 submission by Eastern Community Legal Centre, with endorsement and contributions from Peninsula Community Leg...
Your money, your life, your choice
This guide is about things that are important to everyone – family relationships, money, and a place to live.
Find a Service Provider

In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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