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Food for thought on the importance of complaints

When it comes to living in an aged care home, the comfort and well-being of residents should always be a top priority. However, often older people feel awkward complaining as they don’t want to ‘rock the boat’

Published: 12 July 2024
  • national
  • 12 July 2024
  • Advocare

Here are some key reasons why residents should voice their concerns if they're unhappy about an aspect of their care arrangements.

If you’re not sure whether or not to make a consumer complaint, our Advocate Team has collected these examples of why making a complaint to your aged care provider in general, can be beneficial.

  1. Fostering positive change: Raising the issue is the first step toward improvement, and making a complaint is one way to do this.

  2. Service improvement: Complaints are essential for improving services and up-skilling or retraining service provider staff. Constructive feedback helps providers understand where they are falling short and how they can better meet the resident’s or client’s needs.

  3. Creating a safe environment: Making a complaint is not about ‘rocking the boat’. Quality Standard 6 for aged care providers mandates aged care providers must create a safe environment that encourages feedback and complaints.

  4. Empowerment: Complaints empower older people to ensure their aged care provider is delivering safe and high-quality services, allowing them to live the life they choose.

  5. Feeling heard: Regardless of how insignificant a complaint might seem, it’s important for all care recipients to feel listened to and cared for, and to be able to enjoy their day-to-day lives.

  6. Upholding required standards: Complaints can highlight areas where standards are not being met, holding service providers accountable.

  7. Awareness of rights and obligations: Through the process of complaining, consumers can better understand their rights and obligations, leading to a more open and positive relationship with their service provider.

  8. Investigation and resolution: Complaints allow issues to be investigated and addressed, resulting in an improved standard of care.