Aged care
Here you will find a range of information and resources on this topic. To find more click through to the relevant section.
Useful Resources in topic "Aged care"
Upholding my rights: what does better aged care look like?
In this video, 5 older people share their views on what better aged care means to them and how upholding their rights i...
Recommendations for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
An independent capability review has considered whether the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) ha...
Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner – Communique – May 2024
This document provides an update on the work of the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner Ms Andrea Kelly.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program Manual
This manual is for aged care service providers who receive funding under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Isla...
How to navigate aged care packages
A podcast about the differences between home aged care packages and aged care, how they work, and the processes behind ...
Not an institution - Elder Rights in Aged Care
An episode from a regular radio show on 3CR, presented by Housing for the Aged Action Group, which explores a range of ...
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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