What is physical abuse of older people?
The physical abuse of older people is an act that causes physical pain, injury or a combination of both. Physical abuse may appear as a change in appearance, attitude, or behaviour.
It may be:
Hitting, pushing, or shaking
Misuse or overuse of medications
Physical restraint
Putting an older person in a position they can’t get out of, like a chair
Locking an older person in a room
Threatened and/or injured with a weapon
2% of older people reported experiencing this form of abuse in the last 12 months.1
In the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study released in 2021 it was noted that men were slightly more likely to report physical abuse.2
The most common form of physical abuse reported by older Australians was threats to harm (60.7%).3 Almost half (46.6%) of those who reported physical abuse reported being grabbed, pushed or shoved.4 Just over one in five older people in this group reported being hit, punched, kicked or slapped.5 Threats with a weapon were reported by (15.73%).6
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