Supported decision making
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Useful Resources in topic "Supported decision making"
Rights, choices, and dignity of risk – a human rights perspective
In this article Tilé Imo, from Caxton’s Family, Domestic Violence, and Elder Law Practice, looks at risk taking for old...
Supported Decision-Making video resource
As part of the Living My Life project, a number of video resources have been developed for organisations and profession...
Your Decision Making Toolkit
Some people will need a lot of support and some people will only need a little support. This kit will help you make the...
Why it's important to formalise arrangements
If something is important to you then you should let those close to you know. If you don't then a decision might be mad...
Training to use the Decision-Making tool – for carers and front-line workers
Everyone has the right to participate in decision-making. This tool will assist support people who help those with a di...
Supported decision making must be embedded across aged care
The Older Person’s Advocacy Network position statement about the need for supported decision making in aged care, and h...
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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