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Latest News in topic "Disability"
Useful Resources in topic "Disability"
2022-2023 Community Visitor Annual Report
The report discloses troubling instances of abuse, neglect, and violence within disability group homes, Supported Resid...
Diversity, Dignity, Equity and Best Practice
The Disability Royal Commission has produced this document (2023) that outlines a framework best practice and principle...
My Wellbeing Checklist
A checklist like this helps keep you in touch with the important facts of your life, your safety, and health and wellb...
Intersections: Ageing and Disability
Our panel of experts explores ageing and disability supports, barriers, and strategies to enable informed choices.
Impacts of new and emerging assistive technologies for ageing and disabled housing
This research looks at how "smart home" assistive technologies (AT) can be best used in aged care and disability sector...
Alan's Story
This video shows the real story of Alan, who is a disabled older man living in residential care who needed help to acce...
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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