Understanding elder abuse
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Useful Resources in topic "Understanding elder abuse"
Glossary of victims services terms: NSW Department of Community and Justice
This useful guide alphabetically lists the names and terms used by departments and allied services within the NSW DCJ, ...
Q&A with bicultural educator: Kaltun
After attending ECCV’s bicultural elder abuse education training, Kaltun Ali Bobe is on a mission to tackle the taboo o...
The complete guide to statistics on ageing, dementia, capacity, and elder abuse in Australia (Updated)
A useful guide to the most recent stats from government, public service and diverse other organisations on ageing, deme...
Elder abuse prevention and aboriginal communities
This paper discusses the historical colonial context of elder abuse, where poverty and racism continue to keep Indigeno...
Elder abuse: Shift your Perspective media campaign
This video shows the many sides of elder abuse: from the points of view of both perpetrators and the elders they harm, ...
Recognising elder abuse webinar
A Compass webinar to help identify the key risk factors and early warning signs connected to the abuse of older people.
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In an emergency call 000
This free number will redirect you to an existing phone service near you. This is not a 24-hour line. Call operating times will vary. A collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments.
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